Title: Arynn's Chosen Mate Series: Iron Wolves MC #8 Author: Elle Boon Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date: April 1...
She’s a gamble he’s willing to take. When world-class poker player Patrick Tyler meets his match, Tahlia, in an underground g...
Mia Sosa returns with another fun, flirty romance in her critically-acclaimed Love on Cue series! For Hollywood agent Julian ...
Fourth-line winger Cam Johnson fights like hell for his team—even if he has to break the rules. A vigilante on the ice, Cam t...
When young Sebastian Brambani meets a sexy and exciting older man, he’s easily seduced. But for spy Kyle Grant, it’s all busi...
What if everything you think you know about someone is completely wrong?Twenty-four-year-old Jessie thinks he has fellow stre...
It's a bit over a week until Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon on Saturday, APRIL 28, 2018. Reader Sign-ups are open: http://www...